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Processing of Personal Data.


1.      Operator of Personal Data:


        The Operator of Personal Data, i.e. an entity processing personal data of the person concerned, is the company LEMON SPORT s.r.o., with registration number: 45348545, registered in the Commercial Register of the Slovak Republic of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 62517/B tax identification number: 2022948301, VAT ID: SK2022948301.


      (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”).


The Operator processing the personal data acts in accordance with Act No. 122/2013 Coll. on Personal Data Protection as amended, and in accordance with other rules (hereinafter referred to as the “Act No. 122/2013 Coll”). From May 25, 2018, the Operator processing the personal data of the person concerned shall not conform to Act No. 122/2013 Coll., he shall conform to the rules of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of naturals persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (general regulation on data protection) and Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection and on amendments to certain acts instead.


  1. Objectives of processing of personal data and its legal framework:


a)         The Operator processes the personal data of the persons concerned only to the extent necessary to fulfill the objective and trading conditions. The person concerned is any natural person whose personal data are being processed.


b)      The Operator processes the personal data for the purpose of:

      Data collection for customer’s account and purposes of marketing.

For the purpose of providing our services to customers, in order to ensure proper performance of the sales contract concluded via en.lemonsport.sk online shop between you as customer and us, prior to concluding this sales contract in order to answer your questions regarding the provision of our services, and for the purposes of technical administration which is necessary for proper provision of our services on the website en.lemonsport.sk, and all on the legal basis of the contract execution, to which you are the Contracting Party as the person concerned. The Seller declares that all provided personal data are considered confidential, he shall use them only to ensure the performance of the sales contract, and shall not publish them, or disclose to any third party, except for the situation related to distribution of the ordered goods and payment: disclosure of name and surname, delivery address, e-mail address and telephone. The personal data which the Buyer provides to the Seller are collected, processed and stored in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Collection as amended. The Seller hereby obtains from the Buyer the consent for processing and storing of these personal data for the purpose of ensuring the performance of the sales contract, and that until the written withdrawal of the consent for this processing.

When you open a customer account via the function “customer registration”, your data, i.e. name, surname, billing address, delivery address and e-mail address will be stored in the customer database of the company LEMON SPORT, s. r. o.  The processing is based on your consent. You as customer are entitled to request the cancellation and deletion of your customer data and customer account. More information about this topic is available in the section 

5. Rights of the persons concerned.

If while opening a customer account you have given consent that enables the transmission of advertising material – newsletter, the company LEMON SPORT s.r.o. shall use the provided data for the purposes of marketing. This consent is given voluntarily and may be withdrawn at any time with effect for the future.

      Data for newsletter services.

Upon signing in for our newsletter service from the home page of the website en.lemonsport.sk , the company LEMON SPORT, s. r. o. will use your data (i.e. e-mail  address, name and surname) for the purposes of marketing to send e-mails from the company about their news and meetings. The processing is based on your consent. Your data will no longer be used after you cancel your subscription of the newsletter. You are entitled to sign off from the newsletter at any time, either by sending a message to the e-mail address sales@lemonsport.sk or by clicking on the web link that is included in the newsletter for this purpose.


3.      Personal data storage period:


The Operator shall store the personal data in the form which enables the identification of the person concerned no later than by the time it is necessary for achievement of the purpose for which the personal data are stored and/or for assertion of legal claim.


The Operator shall not store the personal data longer than until termination, if the person concerned does not exercise his or her right to withdraw the consent for processing the personal data earlier.


The Operator shall not store the personal data longer than until it is necessary for fulfillment of the obligations under the special rule.


4.      Identifying the receivers of the personal data:


The Operator is not entitled to provide personal data of the persons concerned to any third party with the except of the Provider.


The Seller hereby states to the Buyer that the processing of the Buyer's personal data implies that the Buyer's personal data shall be provided and made available to third parties, i.e. to the receivers:

- Tarčová s.r.o., Pri Šajbách 18, 831 06 Bratislava, IČO: 43960961 – účtovníctvo.

- DELTA Consalting - Anastasia Chernivetskaya, Gorkého 12, 811 01 Bratislava, IČO: 50030647 – accounting.

- Direct Parcel Distribution SK s.r.o., Technická 7, 821 04 Bratislava, IČO: 35834498 – shipping.

- Zásielkovňa s.r.o., Kopčianska 3954/39, 851 01 Bratislava, IČO: 48136999 – shipping.

- BGA group, s.r.o., Výstaviště 405/1, 603 00 Brno, Česká republika, IČ: 27735354 – shipping.

- Slovenská pošta, a. s., Partizánska cesta 9, 975 99 Banská Bystrica 1, IČO 36631124 – shipping.

- DigitalOcean Inc, 101 Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor, New York, NY 10013 – hosting.

- WebHouse s.r.o., Paulínska 20, 917 01 Trnava, IČO: 36743852 – hosting.

- Československá obchodná banka, a.s., Žižkova 11, 811 02 Bratislava, IČO: 36854140 – banking services.

- Global Payments Europe, s.r.o., V Olšinách 80/626, 100 00 Praha 10, Česká republika, IČO: 27088936 – payment gateway for bank card payments.



5.      Rights of the persons concerned:


a)      if the consent constitutes the legal prerequisite for the processing of personal data of the person concerned, the person concerned may withdraw his or her consent at any time by sending a message to the listed e-mail address. The withdrawal of the consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to its withdrawal, the person concerned has right to withdraw by sending e-mail to an e-mail address sales@lemonsport.sk or in writing to the address of the registered office Vyšehradská 3713/6, Bratislava, Slovakia 851 06.

b)      the person concerned has right to request from the Operator, upon request, a confirmation of whether or not the data of the person concerned are processed and, where this is the case, to request the provision of information on processing of the personal data related to the person concerned.


c)      the person concerned has right to correct the personal data related to him or her. For the purpose of ensuring the accuracy of the personal data of the person concerned, each person concerned is obliged to provide accurate and true personal data and to inform of any changes of personal data which the person concerned provided to the Operator.


d)   the person concerned has right to data portability of the data related to him or her and provided to the Operator, in the commonly used format which is structured and computer readable, if the personal data of the person concerned are being processed automatically, and on the basis of the contracts or consent given by the person concerned, and prior to expiration of personal data storage period. The exercise of this right shall not affect the rights of other persons.


e)    The person concerned has right to cancel the personal data (right to deletion of the personal data) which are subject to processing, if the law has been violated, or on the basis of withdrawal of the consent, or upon the expiration of the purpose of the processing, or upon expiration of personal data storage period.


The right to cancel the personal data shall not apply when the processing of the personal data is required to:

-       exercise of the right to freedom of expression, or

-       exercise of the right to information,

-       fulfill the obligations in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 on Personal Data Collection and amendments and supplements to certain acts as amended (effective as from May 25, 2018), or in accordance with special rule,

-       assert the legal claim,

-       for the purpose of record keeping, historical research or for the purpose of statistics under Section 78 (8), if it is likely that the right stated in the paragraph 1 will prevent or seriously prejudice the attainment of the objectives of such processing.


f)     Right to restrict the processing of the personal data if:

-       the person concerned challenges the accuracy of the personal data during the period allowing the Operator to verify the accuracy of the personal data,

-       the processing of the personal data is illegal and the person concerned does not agree with the deletion of the personal data and request the restrict their usage instead,

-       The Operator no longer requires the personal data for the purpose of personal data processing, but the person concerned requires them for assertion of legal claim, or

-       the person concerned does not agree with the processing of the personal data in accordance with Section 27 (1) of Act No. 18/2018 on Personal Data Collection and amendments and supplements to certain acts as amended (effective as from May 25, 2018), and that until verifying that the reasons on the part of the Operator prevails over the reasons on the part of the person concerned.


g)   If it it suspected that the personal data are being processed illegally, the person concerned has the right to issue the proceeding concerning the personal data protection to the Office for Personal Data Protection.


h)   The services provided in the online shop at solodance.sk which are subject to the consent of the person concerned under these General Business Terms and Conditions are not directly intended for persons under the age of 16.

6.      Contact detail of the Operator:


The person concerned may address any comments, questions, suggestions and queries to the Operator of the personal data via e-mail to the following e-mail address: sales@lemonsport.sk or by telephone on the number +421944526645 or in writing to the address Vyšehradská 3713/6, Bratislava, Slovakia 851 06.



Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic

Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27

Tel: 02/ 32 31 3214

E-mail: statny.dozor@pdp.gov.sk